Monday, February 9, 2015

The Must Read book by Everyone who want to become Entrepreneur

Entrepedia is a step by step guide to becoming an entrepreneur by Nandini Vaidyanathan is a wonderful book, should be read by everyone who want to become entrepreneur. if you are in the start-up phase. This book gives rough idea of the blueprint of establishing a company,
if you are in the start-up phase. 

It tells you in easy, simple, 20 steps, what are the things you need to do from the time you think of the business idea to becoming market-ready.

It is a go-to book, like a dictionary. If you have just started a company, or thinking of starting a company, it answers some basic questions:

* Why should I be an entrepreneur?
* Where will I get my business ideas from?
* Why do I need a mentor and where will I find one?
* How will I hire good teams when I don t have the money to pay them market rates?
* What is a business plan, why should I write it, how should I write it?
* What are the different ways in which I can raise money for my business?

This book acts as a mentor, pointing the way each step of your exciting journey to becoming an entrepreneur.

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